
Dive into the world of full stack development with our comprehensive course focusing on Angular for the front-end and integrating with various back-end technologies. Designed for individuals aiming to master end-to-end web application development, this course provides a blend of theoretical concepts and hands-on projects. Experience the synergy of Angular's dynamic capabilities combined with robust back-end solutions, empowering you to build scalable, efficient, and feature-rich web applications.

Course Highlights:

Angular Mastery: Delve deep into Angular's core concepts, from components and services to routing and modules, building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

TypeScript Foundations: Understand the advantages of TypeScript, Angular's primary language, to write cleaner, error-free, and efficient code.

Backend Integrations: Explore various back-end technologies, from Express.js with Node.js to databases like MongoDB and SQL-based solutions.

API Development: Learn to create RESTful APIs using Node.js, handling requests and serving data to your Angular front-end.

Authentication & Authorization: Implement robust security measures, from user authentication with JWT to role-based access controls.

State Management: Dive into tools like NgRx or Akita to manage application state efficiently, ensuring consistent and predictable behavior.

Optimization Techniques: Enhance performance by employing lazy loading, server-side rendering with Angular Universal, and other advanced techniques.

Deployment & DevOps: Understand best practices to deploy your full-stack application, from cloud platforms to containerization with Docker.

Real-world Projects: Apply your knowledge in building real-world applications, from e-commerce platforms to social media apps, ensuring a holistic learning experience.

By the conclusion of this course, participants will be proficient in crafting full-stack applications using Angular, seamlessly integrating the front-end with various back-end solutions. Whether you're a front-end developer looking to expand into full-stack roles, or a seasoned coder aiming to modernize your toolkit, this course offers an in-depth exploration of full-stack development in the contemporary web landscape.


  • What is Full Stack Development?
  • Overview of Front-end vs. Back-end
  • Role of Angular in Full Stack Development
  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Angular CLI: Installation and Basics
  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Components, Modules, and Services
  • Data Binding and Directives
  • Angular Routing
  • Reactive Forms and Form Validation
  • Dependency Injection in Angular
  • Making HTTP Requests using HttpClient
  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Setting up Express.js
  • Creating RESTful APIs with Express
  • Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Connecting Angular with MongoDB
  • SQL Databases: Basics and Integration
  • User Registration and Login
  • Securing APIs with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Role-Based Authorization in Angular
  • State Management with NgRx
  • Lazy Loading and Dynamic Component Loading
  • Server-Side Rendering with Angular Universal
  • Building and Deploying Angular Applications
  • Deploying the Back-end: Heroku, AWS, etc.
  • Containerization with Docker
  • Project Requirements and Setup
  • Building the Front-end Application
  • Integrating with the Back-end and Database
  • Testing and Deployment
  • Angular Change Detection and Optimization Techniques
  • Back-end Performance Tuning
  • Scalability Considerations for Full Stack Applications
  • Review and Recap
  • Exploring Other Full Stack Technologies
  • Building a Portfolio and Seeking Job Opportunities


This course is designed for individuals with a foundational knowledge of web development looking to dive deep into full stack development using Angular, Node.js, and related technologies.
While prior experience can be beneficial, it's not mandatory. The course starts with foundational concepts and progressively tackles more advanced topics.
The course spans over a duration of 6 weeks, with a mix of lectures, hands-on projects, and assignments.
Absolutely! The course culminates in a real-world project where you'll build a full-stack application using the skills acquired. Additionally, regular assignments will reinforce your learning.
You'll need a computer with an internet connection. We'll guide you on setting up the required development environment, including installations of Node.js, Angular CLI, and other necessary tools.
Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you'll receive a certificate acknowledging your proficiency in full stack development with Angular.
We provide 6 weeks of instructor-led support sessions. Additionally, there's a community forum where you can ask questions and collaborate with peers.
Yes, enrolled students will have lifetime access to the course material, including any updates or additions made in the future.
Definitely! The course is designed with a practical approach, emphasizing real-world applications, best practices, and current industry standards.
We offer a 5 day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied within this period, you can request a full refund.

Ratings are not provided yet.

Course Features

  • Duration : 2 Months
  • Lectures : 30
  • Categories: Web Development
  • Tags: HTML, Angular, MySQL, CSS, Java Script